About BCE Valuator

Welcome to BCE's Valuator

Using a combination of analytics the Valuator calculates an estimate about the dollar valuation for a particular website. The service is free. It can be fun to estimate what your website may be worth. It is also fun to estimate what a website you like to visit may be worth.

This tool cannot be taken as any kind of authority. The Valuator is useful as a gague only to compare sites against your expecations and against each other. The reality is that the true evaluation of any website is the dollar value that a buyer is willing to pay to acquire the property from you. You might say that your website is worth much more than what the Valuator says and you may be right because you find yourself a buyer who is willing to pay your price. The sale price is the only true metric of a website's value.

The Valuator was established on July 2, 2018 and after some tweaking to its valuations had its data reset on February 15, 2020. Its focus is on hobbiest, entertainment websites.

You can send inquiries about the BCE Valuator to BCE at its support page.